Dr. Mathilda Smit

Dr. Mathilda Smit is a social worker in private practice in Somerset West. During the 31 years of dealing with family matters, she became aware that divorce, as an increasingly global phenomenon, is destructive for the people involved, if not handled correctly.

In her doctoral research, Mathilda explored, developed and implemented a process of family mediation in accordance with the Children\’s Act. Problems experienced due to divorce were identified and the goal was to address the best interests of the child by improving the co-parenting relationship, parent-child relationships and the quality of parenting.


From her research, it became clear that parents should be educated on what they can do to minimise the possible destructive effects of separation and divorce on their children. Furthermore, the child should be included or heard in mediation in order for child-sensitive agreements to be reached.

Mathilda presents a monthly divorce education workshop in Somerset West. Her professional services include mediation, parent coordination, care and contact assessments, obtaining the voice of the child in all matters relating to children and play therapy with children.

Specialising in

• Assessment of children
• Parental guidance
• Mediation
• Parent coordination
• FAMAC accredited


Alexandra Building
147 Main Street
Somerset West, 7130
South Africa